Date: Mon, 23 May 94 04:30:23 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #158 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Mon, 23 May 94 Volume 94 : Issue 158 Today's Topics: 70cm TEK Radio DB9 pi - Hams: Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) FCC licensing delays (2 msgs) Info needed about digital voice scrambler Kudos to Kantronics Multi-mode TNC suggestions Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 21 May 94 18:04:00 -0500 From:!agate!!wwswinc! Subject: 70cm TEK Radio DB9 pi To: Can you tell me if the TEKK Radios have an audio modulator.. or only a shift line for data ? Thanks Dick,KD8GC@WA8BXN.NEOH.OH.USA.NA.EARTH..... --- Opus-CBCS 1.73a * Origin: The NE Ohio Hamshack BBS Stow,Ohio (216)686-0057 (1:157/607.0) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 22 May 1994 18:44:51 GMT From:!usc!!wupost!! Subject: - Hams: Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) To: I have uploaded to the SimTel Software Repository (available by anonymous ftp from the primary mirror site OAK.Oakland.Edu and its mirrors): SimTel/msdos/packet/ Hams: Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) APRS provides real-time display of operational traffic via UI frame broadcasts and map displays. A station with information to contribute transmits, and all stations on frequency receive and display it. The most significant change in aprs501a is the elimination of at least 40 CTRL/ALT key commands by placing most functions into sub-menus. A number of other improvements and bug fixes are included. is the latest version (as of 13 May 94) of APRS, and contains all files. It has replaced and Uploaded for the author, Bob Bruninga, WB4APR @ WB3V.MD.USA Tim Dugan KA3YYP ------------------------------ Date: 22 May 94 00:00:00 GMT From: agate!!usc!!!!!!ledge! Subject: FCC licensing delays To: Hello all! I have now been waiting for 7 weeks for my first license to arrive in the mail. Having read all the horror stories on the nets regarding waiting times, I decided to call the FCC in Gettysburg and find out what the REAL problem is myself. I spoke to a very nice woman who told me that it is now taking from 12 to 14 weeks to process application forms because there is only ONE PERSON keying in the information to the computer. Also, she said that the "new computer" that people have talked about on the nets is not online yet. ( only took me a couple of hours to set up my latest 486 box!). At any rate, this ONE PERSON evidently has thousands of licenses to process. The woman told me that she had not heard of any offers from the ARRL regarding local volunteers in the Gettysburg area coming in to help out with the backlog and enter data into the computer. I told her that since we have volunteers doing license testing, at no charge to the Federal government via the VEC program, it seems that we could have volunteer personnel to perform data entry! She also told me that the Gettysburg office has requested additional help several times from the Managing Director of the FCC in Washington, D.C., but the man refuses to give them any more employees, for even a short period of time, to clear up the backlog of license applications. I have called my local Congressman, Representative Anthony Beilenson, and told one of his staff about the problem. I asked if the Congressman could contact the Managing Director and ask for some additional staffing in Gettysburg, at least on a temporary basis, to get the backlog of amateur radio applications (Form 610) processed. Perhaps if everyone told their respective Congressman about the problem, we could get some help! Here is the name, address, and phone number of the FCC Managing Director who will not let Gettysburg have any additional people to help get rid of the backlog: Andrew Fishel Managing Director FCC 1919 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC (202) 632-6390 Just as an aside, I decided to get my amateur license because of the problems associated with the January 17 earthquake here. The American Red Cross had a severe shortage of qualified amateur radio operators to handle emergency traffic after the earthquake. So, I decided, as a citizen of the community, that I would get my license, so that I might get involved in disaster communications, and be ready to assist, if needed. But, as of right now, I can not participate in any emergency networks until my license arrives!! Also, I am routing a copy of the above information to President Clinton and Vice President Gore. I understand that Vice President Gore is very interested in information processing and bottlenecks in those areas of the government that are having problems processing data. I am open to discussing this with anyone on the net, but if you want to work for the improvement of this problem, please call or write to Mr. Fishel and your elected federal government officials in Congress and The White House. Sincerely, Darryl Linkow (no callsign after 7 weeks and don't expect to see one for another 5 to 7 weeks!) --- ~ OLX 2.2 ~ Darryl Linkow (818)346-5278 9 am - 5 pm PDT ------------------------------ Date: 22 May 1994 11:26:24 -0400 From:!usc!!!udel!!!! Subject: FCC licensing delays To: Darryl Linkow ( wrote: : Hello all! I have now been waiting for 7 weeks for my first : license to arrive in the mail. Having read all the horror stories : on the nets regarding waiting times, I decided to call the FCC in : Gettysburg and find out what the REAL problem is myself. I spoke : to a very nice woman who told me that it is now taking from 12 to : 14 weeks to process application forms because there is only ONE PERSON : keying in the information to the computer. Also, she said that : the "new computer" that people have talked about on the nets is not : online yet. ( only took me a couple of hours to set up my : latest 486 box!). At any rate, this ONE PERSON evidently has : thousands of licenses to process. The woman told me that she had : not heard of any offers from the ARRL regarding local volunteers in : the Gettysburg area coming in to help out with the backlog and : enter data into the computer. I told her that since we have : volunteers doing license testing, at no charge to the Federal : government via the VEC program, it seems that we could have : volunteer personnel to perform data entry! She also told me that : the Gettysburg office has requested additional help several times from the : Managing Director of the FCC in Washington, D.C., but the man : refuses to give them any more employees, for even a short period of : time, to clear up the backlog of license applications. I have : called my local Congressman, Representative Anthony Beilenson, and : told one of his staff about the problem. I asked if the : Congressman could contact the Managing Director and ask for some : additional staffing in Gettysburg, at least on a temporary basis, : to get the backlog of amateur radio applications (Form 610) : processed. Perhaps if everyone told their respective Congressman : about the problem, we could get some help! Here is the name, : address, and phone number of the FCC Managing Director who will not : let Gettysburg have any additional people to help get rid of the : backlog: Andrew Fishel : Managing Director : FCC : 1919 M Street, N.W. : Washington, DC : (202) 632-6390 : Just as an aside, I decided to get my amateur license because of : the problems associated with the January 17 earthquake here. The : American Red Cross had a severe shortage of qualified amateur radio : operators to handle emergency traffic after the earthquake. So, I : decided, as a citizen of the community, that I would get my : license, so that I might get involved in disaster communications, : and be ready to assist, if needed. But, as of right now, I can not : participate in any emergency networks until my license arrives!! : Also, I am routing a copy of the above information to President : Clinton and Vice President Gore. I understand that Vice President : Gore is very interested in information processing and bottlenecks : in those areas of the government that are having problems : processing data. : I am open to discussing this with anyone on the net, but if you : want to work for the improvement of this problem, please call or : write to Mr. Fishel and your elected federal government officials : in Congress and The White House. : Sincerely, : Darryl Linkow (no callsign after 7 weeks and don't expect to see : one for another 5 to 7 weeks!) : --- : ³ OLX 2.2 ³ Darryl Linkow (818)346-5278 9 am - 5 pm PDT . Sorry Darryl! I waited 11 weeks, 4 days for mine. After 10 weeks I made the same call that you did to the FCC. It is WORSE than you explained it seems that the little old lady only enters the data on Tuesdays, proofs on Thursdays, and mails on Fridays. I used my handy dandy FAX modem to five Senators and 5 US Reps. I got better response by using FAX (and it is cheaper than USSnail). I lucked out - Sen. Feingold's aide, Darrin Schroeder called the FCC the NEXT day. Funny thing happened - my license is dated the VERY DAY of his call. . There is a nasty rumor - which, of course I can't give credence to , that the FCC is using US hams to put pressure on Congress to give them more staff (which, of course would be put to "better" use than in the amateur licensing section :-( ). . 73 de Dave Barrow, N9UNR @ WA9POV.#MKE.WI.USA.NA PS - I gave you two addresses. Use the second until THE BIG DAY - then send me a packet. PPS - I know that your motive is emergency service but wait until you get to know all of the wonderful folks on your local 2m repeaters! They are just GREAT! Join a club, Pay dues to at least one repeater and HAVE A BALL!! ------------------------------ Date: 23 May 1994 05:49:58 -0400 From:!!!!! Subject: Info needed about digital voice scrambler To: I'd like to receive any info about the (digital) voice scrambler. If you know any articles, books, products, etc., I'd be much appreciated if you e-mail them to me. Thanks. ---- e-mail: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 22 May 1994 09:33:16 GMT From:!agate!!!udel!!IndyNet!! Subject: Kudos to Kantronics To: My compliments to Kantronics. I recently (Dayton) purchased a KPC-3 TNC and decided to det the memory and clock upgrades. I called Kantronics and asked to order some parts. Unfortunately No one was available to handle my order. The person apologized and advised that she was just the receptionist and didn't know if she could be of much help, But she had access to their parts lists, took my order, advised me of the total, and three days later the parts arrived! Not bad for "just the receptionist" BTW the KPC-3 is GREAT little TNC for the money. -- Dave Gingrich, K9DC Fishers, Indiana Lockman Mills & Associates K9DC @ WJ9U.#CEIN.IN ------------------------------ Date: 21 May 1994 08:59:28 GMT From:!swrinde!gatech!udel!!! Subject: Multi-mode TNC suggestions To: In article <>, (Karl Jones) says: > >Out here, the AEA's are losing ground to the KAM+. You may want to give it >a closer look, now that G-TOR is here GTOR is a very good mode but it is KAM specific. The ratio of PK232's to KAM's is better than 3 to 1 ( based on QSO records , over 2000 log entries), and the front end of the 232/900 is far superior to the KAM ( have a KAM, MFJ-1278, PTC, PK232 and PK900 ). I had to buy a Timewave DSP9+ before the KAM was usable for pactor and GTOR, the 232 and 900 were at least a factor of 2X better as far as noise and QRM were concerned. >Check out PKGold for the AEA and KaGold for the KAM. This is host-mode >software that is definately worth >considering. Gold is not the only game in town, XPCOM ( twin tnc) for the PK232 (host) and TNC, XPKAM (host mode for KAM), and XPDUAL (PK900/DSP2232 Host), ACUTERM and others are also out there offering as much or more for a heck of a lot less!! 73 Gary KF7XP. ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #158 ******************************